How You Can Donate

The Brain Injury Hope Foundation (BIHF) is a Colorado nonprofit 501(c)3 Please consider adding the Brain Injury Hope Foundation to your annual list of Charities. Just know that you will make a significant impact on the lives of MTBI survivors in Colorado. By selecting or inputting your donation amount below, you will be redirected to the PayPal website for a secure transaction using your choice of debit, credit, or PayPal funds. We invite you to add the Paypal service fee, if you are able.

Donate $50

Pay with PayPal

Donate $100

Pay with PayPal

Donate $500

Pay with PayPal

Your Choice

Pay with PayPal
Donate in Memory/Honor of…

**A receipt for tax purposes will be sent to you within one month of donating. There are four ways you can contribute to the mission of the Brain Injury Hope Foundation:

1. Most MTBI survivors are trying to recover their skills and jobs and return to school or work to rejoin the productive world. But by the time most applicants for the BIHF Emergency Financial Assistance find us, they have lost their homes, gone through savings to pay for treatments and are now very desperate to pay for living expenses, such as food, utilities and rent. A typical example is a single mother with two children, unable to return to her teaching job to provide for her family. We invite you to donate online or send a check to Brain Injury Hope Foundation, 6732 West Coal Mine Avenue, Suite 227, Littleton, CO 80123.

2. Also, please remember those loved ones, friends or Veterans who courageously fought to overcome the challenges and disabilities that a brain injury causes. You have the option to donate In Memory Of.

3. Your donation also funds our new educational program, the Survivor Series Program, which is free to brain injury survivors, family members and support persons. The ongoing fun and interactive workshops build community among participants, teach real-life strategies for dealing with challenges, and support the growth and transformation of lives. To learn more about this program click on Survivor Series.

4. Another way to donate is through the website. Colorado Gives Day is December 10 and you can donate anytime during the year. From Nov 1 – Dec 10 is Early Giving and during this time donations are matched by incentive funds. You can donate once or make a monthly donation of any amount. Search for “Brain Trust” (dba Brain Injury Hope Foundation).

5. If you would like to make a donation via stock (and get a possible tax write-off! – check with your accountant please), see the donation instructions below. Account name:  Brain Injury Hope Foundation Account number:  323-13519 Firm name: RBC Capital Markets LLC DTC# 0235 If you would like to send a confirmation email to alert RBC of the donation please send to Dianne Scott at RBC Wealth Management, a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC 2010 Corporate Ridge Suite 900 McLean, VA 22102 (703) 245-7902

The Power of Your Donation Testimonials

“Thank you, thank you, thank you! You helped save my life and bring me off homelessness. I’d like to sincerely thank everyone at the Brain Injury Hope Foundation for assisting with a generous emergency grant during a very troubled Holiday Season. In my heart, the Brain Injury Hope fund leads the short list of excellent charitable ‘needs providers’ in Boulder County.” — Randal E.
“Thanks. Your check was the reason that I was able to survive one more needed month, maintain my great credit, survive a deep background check, and be hired at age 60, another true barrier in today’s world. I spent almost a year to the week actively searching for a job. In today’s world one must at all costs maintain a permanent address, direct phone number, and good credit history. Survival tools, beyond will, drive, etc, money does talk. The question, what does $495 buy? It buys hope.” — Garry R.
“After suffering a head injury when I was run over by a car, then being diagnosed with brain tumors, not being able to work, draining my savings to support my young son…Christmas was looking bleak this year. Your grant helped with food and rent and made all the difference for us both. You can’t imagine how good it feels when a group steps up to soften the blows that sometimes befall us. Knowing there’s an organization like yours, to help when people fall through the cracks — that will warm my heart for many seasons to come. God bless you, and keep up the good work!” — Rita B.