Brain Injury Treatment Panel #2 Blog, by Eliza Marie Somers
At the Brain Injury Hope Foundation our intention of the Survivor Series is to introduce TBI survivors and their families to different approaches to healing and adapting to life after at TBI. We [...]
Feed Your Brain To Boost Recovery
Are you craving sugar after your TBI? Is your sense of smell and taste off since the accident? Has your appetite diminished? Are you battling fatigue and mood swings? Well, these are just [...]
Beyond Surviving: Fatigue and Energy Management
We have all hit the wall at some point in our lives where we just can’t keep going. It’s like walking into a plate glass door – it stops you cold. Survivors of [...]
Alternative Therapies: A Different Approach to Healing TBI
Navigating the healthcare system is a tough road to travel, add in a head injury and the road becomes filled with potholes and obstacles. Head injuries are called invisible injuries for a reason, [...]
When and How to Disclose Your TBI
Survivor Series #3—Disclosure with Nancy Freeman, Facilitator Disclosure. It’s a touchy subject especially when you have an “invisible injury,” such as a Traumatic Brain Injury. Yes, it can be easier to disclose your [...]
Keys to Re-empowerment after a Brain Injury
Keys to Re-empowerment after a Brain Injury Our bodies want to naturally heal and operate at optimal condition. Take that little cut on your finger, for example. You don’t have to do much [...]
Successful Survivor Panel: Living with a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Being part of a community may be just what the doctor ordered. More and more medical research is revealing the health benefits of social connection, which has been proven to have the same [...]
Brain Fog
For me, brain fog was like walking in molasses. That’s how I would describe my mental state after my MTBI, caused by a horse accident in 2001. Before my brain injury, I was high functioning, [...]
MTBI Tip for Families – Lack of Initiation
One of the complications that can show up after your family member has suffered a brain injury, whether it is severe or a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI) or a concussion, is called lack of [...]