
Please be advised that any opinions or alleged advice from the speakers in each Brain Injury Hope Foundation Survivor Series are opinions only and not medical, legal, therapeutic or expert advice. Please consult your own physicians, lawyers and practitioners and do not rely upon the information and opinions contained in each recorded event. Please also be advised that the chat contains individual conversations which reflect the opinions and experiences of non-expert individuals and should not be used in making medical or legal decisions.

70th Birthday thoughts – Richard Garde

August 16th, 2019|Blog|

Well I certainly don’t suddenly feel wiser as I’m older — actually it doesn’t feel any different than yesterday. Remember those adult stupid questions when you were a kid? “Well! How does it feel to [...]

Denver Filmmakers Spotlight TBIs and Medical Cannabis

July 25th, 2019|Blog|

Takeda, Allred relate their experiences after traumatic brain injuries After actor Scott Takeda suffered numerous concussions and remained stagnant in his recovery until he found medical cannabis to alleviate symptoms, he then found himself facing [...]

Cohen writes Book to Help TBI Survivors

July 5th, 2019|Blog|

Joanne Cohen is a board member of the Brian Injury Hope Foundation and a survivor of numerous brain injuries. The June 2019 Survivor Series was possible through a full grant donation from her family:   Dr. [...]

Providers Offer Innovations in mTBI Care

May 20th, 2019|Blog|

May 2019 Treatment Panel Emphasizes Brain’s Ability to Heal The Brain Injury Hope Foundation does not endorse any healthcare providers. The goal with the Treatment Panel is to provide information to TBI survivors and their [...]

Navigating the Benefits System after a Brain Injury

April 20th, 2019|Blog|

PERA, ERISA, SGA, SSDI vs. SSI, LTD vs. STD! It’s an alphabet soup when it comes to applying for benefits after an injury, and it’s especially puzzling negotiating the system when a head injury is [...]

TBI Survivors Overcome Obstacles to Create a Better Life

March 18th, 2019|Blog|

Striving to instill hope into the lives of survivors of mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI), acquired brain injuries (ABI) and traumatic brain injuries (TBI) is one of the main goals of the Brain Injury Hope [...]

Intimate and Sexual Relationships after Traumatic Brain Injury

February 25th, 2019|Blog|

Demystifying Relationships, Communication, and Intimacy after a Brain Injury with Dr. Ricardo Esparza and Dr. Mary Ann Keatley Relationships with our spouses or significant others are often described as intimate. However, these connections can also [...]

Finding Employment After a TBI

September 30th, 2018|Blog|

Our jobs are a part of our identity. When we meet someone new the first questions often are: What do you do? And where do you work? After a head injury, staying on [...]

Brain Injury Treatment Panel #2 Blog, by Eliza Marie Somers

July 20th, 2018|Blog|

At the Brain Injury Hope Foundation our intention of the Survivor Series is to introduce TBI survivors and their families to different approaches to healing and adapting to life after at TBI. We [...]