
Please be advised that any opinions or alleged advice from the speakers in each Brain Injury Hope Foundation Survivor Series are opinions only and not medical, legal, therapeutic or expert advice. Please consult your own physicians, lawyers and practitioners and do not rely upon the information and opinions contained in each recorded event. Please also be advised that the chat contains individual conversations which reflect the opinions and experiences of non-expert individuals and should not be used in making medical or legal decisions.

Expand Your Community by Becoming Accessible

December 12th, 2020|Blog|

Gayann Brandenburg says creating access to buildings, events and transportation can help businesses by including people with physical and intellectual disabilities. Expand Your Community by Becoming Accessible By Eliza Marie Somers If COVID-19 has taught [...]

Strategies to Combat Cognitive Fatigue

November 3rd, 2020|Blog|

Co-founder of The Brain Injury Hope Foundation Mary Ann Keatley explains the Energy Pie during the October 2020 Survivor Series via Zoom. By Eliza Marie Somers We’ve all experienced exhaustion: When we are so tried [...]

Self-care Crucial for Caregivers’ Health

October 22nd, 2020|Blog|

Joanne Cohen, vice president of the Brain Injury Hope Foundation, says caregivers also face grief. For more information on grief and brain injuries, please see our two blogs on the subject. Gaining Your Power Back [...]

Eat to Thrive after a Brain Injury

September 23rd, 2020|Blog|

The Brain Injury Hope Foundation recommends that you please consult your physician for all medical advice. And please remember, the statements in this blog post are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Brain [...]

Gaining Your Power Back with Counseling after Brain Injury

July 27th, 2020|Blog|

BIHF Vice President Joanne Cohen, top left, Rita Coalson, MA, LPC NCC, and BIHF President Gayann Brandenburg, bottom, facilitate the Benefits of Counseling Following a Traumatic or Acquired Brain Injury on July 17, 2020.  Counseling [...]

13 Keys to Re-empowerment During the Pandemic

June 25th, 2020|Blog|

13 Keys to Re-empowerment During the Pandemic Getting Hit, Getting Up, Moving Beyond and Making a Difference Graphic recording  To describe the year 2020 as vexing, exasperating and terrifying is an understatement as the coronavirus [...]

Neuroplasticity Key to Many New Therapies

March 18th, 2020|Blog|

Healthcare Panel Reveals Unique Ways to Recover from TBI BIHF Vice President Joanne Cohen, standing left, greets the February 2020 Treatment Panel participants: Nancy Bonifer, standing left to right, Candi Boyd, Dr. Eric Spier, Dr. [...]

TBI Survivors Reveal Their Successes

January 21st, 2020|Blog|

BIHF vice president Joanne Cohen, back, welcomes Jeffrey Therrian and Dr. JoAnne Silver Jones to the January 2020 Survivor Series Luncheon. Six brain injury survivors revealed their tips to thriving after a TBI to kick [...]

The Benefits of Counseling After a Brain Injury

September 20th, 2019|Blog|

While most survivors of a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) keep a laser-like focus on the physical  healing of the brain, one aspect of the therapeutic process is often an afterthought and usually  forgotten and [...]