

Mental Health Panel: Promoting Well-Being for Individuals with Brain Injuries

May 12th, 2022|Blog|

Jess Tiergyn along with their service dog is a therapist and a brain injury survivor.

Mental Health Panel: Promoting Well-Being for Individuals with Brain Injuries

By Eliza Marie Somers

Recovering from a traumatic brain injury not only takes a physical toll on your body, it also can have damaging […]

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Hearing Sensitivities and Tinnitus

April 6th, 2022|Blog|

Debra Finegold says she got her life back after using ear filters. Before the filters she could not go outside because the sound was so painful.

Hearing Sensitivities and Tinnitus

By Eliza Marie Somers

Suffering a traumatic brain injury, even a mild TBI, can result in a range […]

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Panel de compañeros de cuidado: Estrategias para apoyar a los sobrevivientes de lesiones cerebrales y a ti mismo

February 12th, 2022|Blog|

Iris Reyes dice que hay alegría en ver a su esposo, José, avanzar en su recuperación.

Panel de compañeros de cuidado: Estrategias para apoyar a los sobrevivientes de lesiones cerebrales y a ti mismo

Por Eliza Marie Somers (Traducción: Regina Schoenfeld)

La sensación […]

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Care Partner Panel: Strategies to Support Brain Injury Survivors and Yourself

February 11th, 2022|Blog|

Iris Reyes says there is joy in seeing her husband, Jose, make strides in his recovery.

Care Partner Panel: Strategies to Support Brain Injury Survivors and Yourself

By Eliza Marie Somers

The feeling of being overwhelmed is a common refrain among care partners of traumatic brain injury […]

Panel de sobrevivientes: Resiliencia y Pasando de la Lucha a la Prosperidad

January 21st, 2022|Blog|

Maggie Whittum utiliza terapia de arte para ayudar en su recuperación de un derrame cerebral. Este es un autorretrato que creó para mostrar la mitad de su rostro como irreconocible.

Panel de sobrevivientes: Resiliencia y Pasando de la Lucha a la […]

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Survivor Panel: Resiliency and Moving from Struggle to Thriving

January 20th, 2022|Blog|

Maggie Whittum uses art therapy to help in her recovery from a stroke. This is a self-portrait she created to show half her face as unrecognizable.

Survivor Panel: Resiliency and Moving from Struggle to Thriving

By Eliza Marie Somers

Just as no two traumatic brain injuries […]